<%@ page import = "java.sql.*,models.*,helpers.*,java.util.*" language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" session="true"%> <% String visitedStatus = (String)session.getAttribute("VISITED_STATUS"); if(visitedStatus == null){ session.setAttribute("VISITED_STATUS","TRUE"); String redirectURL = "https://apnaohio.com/classifieds.jsp"; response.sendRedirect(redirectURL); } %> Apna Ohio - Ohio Indian Community
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<% String pageNumber = request.getParameter("page"); if(pageNumber==null || pageNumber.equals("")) { pageNumber = "1"; } int currentPage= Integer.parseInt(pageNumber); Modelfactory factory = Modelfactory.newInstance(); String cat = request.getParameter("id"); //This is the line changed to accomdate the search by city for free ads. String cty = request.getParameter("city"); List links=null; Set pageLinks = null; if(cat!=null && cat.length()>1){ //This is the line changed to accomdate the search by city for free ads. links = factory.getPagedFreeAdsLinks(cat,currentPage, cty); } else { links = factory.getPagedFreeAdsLinks(currentPage); } int pageCount = 1; if(factory.getFreeAdsCount(cat)>25){ pageCount = factory.getFreeAdsCount(cat)/25 + 1; } else{ pageCount = factory.getFreeAdsCount(cat)/25; } Iterator itr = links.iterator(); for(int i=0;i <% if (i % 2 == 0) {%> <% } else { %> <% } } %>
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<%= model2.getCategory() %> <%= model2.getSubCategory() %> <%= model2.getTitle() %> <%= model2.getCity() %> <%=model2.getViewCount() %> <%= model2.getDate() %>
<%= model2.getCategory() %> <%= model2.getSubCategory() %> <%= model2.getTitle() %> <%= model2.getCity() %> <%=model2.getViewCount() %> <%= model2.getDate() %>
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